When the Light Comes In
Does the light come in for you?
It cannot be said that this is a flattering pic of me. It was taken towards the end of an exhilarating but tiring hike in ever-changing weather, I was never going to look my best!
Recently I have had the wonderful opportunity to begin to study the concept of ‘Trauma Informed Healing in the Alexander Technique’ as part of my continuing professional development. The concept is of real personal interest.
I have always subscribed to the belief that our unconscious psycho-physical habits of reaction to stimulus affect our way of being. When those habits are informed by trauma they can become deep-seated and ingrained thereby casting a cloud over our true selves. It can become impossible for any light to break through the ‘shroud’ of contortion and distortion.
Why not give learning the Alexander Technique a try? It might just allow enough space for that light to come in beside you just us as it has for me.
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