17 July 2023
Does the light come in for you?
It cannot be said that this is a flattering pic of me. It was taken towards the end of an exhilarating but tiring hike in ever-changing weather, I was never going to look my best!
Recently I have had the
7 March 2022
Together we can keep the Death Railway Museum Alive!
A massive heartfelt huge thank you to everyone who has supported my fundraising efforts. Having never mounted a fundraising campaign in my life setting up a crowdfunding page was a real step outside my comfort zone!
Family, friends,
28 June 2021
Please help me raise money for the Thailand-Burma Railway Centre, by joining ‘Sandra’s Worldwide Alexander Lie in/Sit in’ on zoom on 15th July 2021 at 16.30 BST. It is a cause close to my heart. For full details, check out my ‘Alexander Adventures’ page.
The Centre
14 June 2021
On to the story of my beloved ‘Alexander Chair’ which began life the in the Buffet car at Swanage Railway Station providing comfort for their many passengers enjoying a break on the Isle of Purbeck. Sitting in the sun on the platform one day thoroughly